Hi. I’m Sharif Owadally, also known as The Coffee Fairy! Full time support crew, part time runner, and crazy assed adventure planner!
I used to run normal things, a Parkrun here, a 10k there, and then I met Nikki Love and it all changed! I planned and supported her as she ran 63 marathons in 63 days (running my first marathon distance on day 3 when I was worried she’d get lost!), then did the same when she Ran around Ireland, slightly less travelling when I supported her running 1,000 miles on a treadmill in lockdown (we all did strange things!), and most recently, taking it to another level, when I did it all again to help her become the fastest female to run across Australia.
When I get time, I do run my fair share of ultra marathons and I get to help others achieve their running adventure goals, individually by crewing for them, or in bulk volunteering at events.
Website: Nikki Love
Instagram: @sharifowadally
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